Online Security: Websites

A business’s website is a virtual front door, and like any front door, a website needs security. Support Doctor’s certified experts proactively tackle web security needs by prioritizing backups, malware scans, updates and vulnerability assessments.


Backups are the first line of defense in any digital security solution. If anything happens, our smart backup system keeps multiple, redundant copies of your data safe and ready to be restored to your live website.

Malware Scans

Although the website doesn’t live on your computer, it still lives on a computer and as a public-facing front door it is susceptible to attacks. Malware on your website could steal customer information or even your business’s private documents. Our experts regularly run malware scans and use AI-powered tools to detect possible threats before they cause damage.

Learn more about our Continuous Risk Mitigation model


Establish the scope, objectives and logistics of project. Our experts work with you to define the rules of engagement, permissions, and resources required for the assessment, and ensure that all stakeholders are aligned and prepared for the process.


Support Doctor’s experts develop a comprehensive list of your business’s active systems and services to ensure that all potential vulnerabilities discovered and addressed.


We use advanced tools and industry standard processes to identify known and unknown vulnerabilities in your business’s systems and applications. Support Doctor experts’ conduct a broad and comprehensive assessment to reveal the maximum number of potential weaknesses.


Support Doctor experts help your team develop and implement plans to address confirmed vulnerabilities. Mitigation plans may include system patches, new security controls or adjusting device configurations.


We prepare and present a report documenting the assessment and mitigation results, assign risk and priority ratings to confirmed vulnerabilities. Our experts ensure that decision-makers have a clear understanding of the organization’s security posture to make informed decisions about future cybersecurity investments.


Websites need software to run, and that software is always being modified; whenever developers release the latest changes users need to run updates. Like staying current with all the app updates on a phone or tablet, keeping a website’s software updated can be daunting. Support Doctor’s experts take on your never-ending task of website software updates. We manage the critical software that runs your website, evaluate release notes and perform all the necessary updates with nearly zero downtime.

Vulnerability Assessments

Every tool a website uses to schedule meetings or join an email list creates a vulnerability that hackers can exploit. Our certified experts deploy advanced, industry-leading tools to identify any potential vulnerability, scan them and keep them secure.

Email for our experts to check your website’s security posture.
